You should take your SAT if you are looking to go to most colleges in the United States. Many do not know where to obtain the SAT scores and if they are able to find them they do not know what to do next. In this article we will look at how to obtain your SAT scores.
To find your scores on the internet you are going to need to become a member of On their site there is a link that says View and Send Scores. After you have signed in you are able to see your entire score history and a history of all the schools you have sent your scores to. When you are in the My SAT page you are able to change the score recipients fairly easy. You are given four score reports for free when you register and have the ability to change these score recipients anytime up to the Monday one week after you have taken the test.
You will receive the My SAT Online Score Report for free when you sign up for the SAT, and all you are going to need is an online College Board account. You are still going to receive your printed SAT score report in the mail, but the online score report shows you more about how you performed on each section. The online report gives you the level of difficulty, the type of question, and how many questions you answered correctly, incorrectly, or omitted in each group. The online score report shows how your scores compare to the scores in your school, state, and the nation, to understand specifics about how the test is structured and scored, and view a printable copy of your actual essay response. You are also given a detailed insight into how you did on each section of the test, search for colleges, majors, and careers based on your score, and work on improving your score for retaking the test in the future.
The final thing you can do is choose to pay an additional fee to send your scores to more colleges and scholarship programs than the ones you have chosen for free. For admission to their school many universities and colleges require you take the SAT. Once you have taken the SAT you need to be able to obtain the SAT scores and know what to do with the scores, and the information in this article should help you.
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